Friday, March 4, 2011

Spring Break

Ciara Oakley

Journalism 102

Section 10

March 4, 2011

Spring Break

Ole Miss students have been flocking to local gyms to tone up for bikini season now that Spring Break is just around the corner.

The beach is the top choice for students across the SEC to vacation, and as the weather gets warmer most believe it wouldn’t hurt to have a toned body when the clothes are traded in for skimpy bikinis.

“I have been working out like crazy trying to get my abs perfected so I will look hott laying out on the beach next to my sisters.” Freshman Erin Mattox said.

The Turner Center, the recreation and workout center on Ole Miss’s campus, has been packed to capacity for weeks now with New Year’s resolutionists and Spring Break fanatics.

“Every time I go to the Turner Center to work out, the ellipticals and treadmills are already taken and usually there is at least at 15 minute wait. Sometimes I end up just doing a few ab workouts then leaving.” Freshman Presley Bennett said.

Over the years Spring Break has become less and less about how much fun students will be having, and more focused on who will have the hottest body on the beach. So beware Spring Breakers, time is quickly counting down till its bikini season.

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