Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mary Liz Cronk


Section 10

March 29, 2011

Residential Assistants at the University of Mississippi

Crosby is the largest female dorm at the University of Mississippi, consisting of ten floors that have individual residential assistants living on each hall.

Also known as “RAs,” these women have specific duties that they are expected to carry out in order to maintain the safety and well being of the dorm.

The Crosby hall director Rachel Ladenheim meets with each of these RAs monthly to coordinate events intended to help students become acquainted with Ole Miss.

“I meet with every hall assistant several times during each semester to help them plan events that will hopefully make the girls feel like they are at their home away from home living in Crosby,” Ladenheim said.

Adeline Buki, a residential assistant living on Crosby’s tenth floor, has taken several steps to make the girls on her floor feel welcome.

“I have planned several hall parties throughout the past school year in attempt to make sure everyone meets new people,” Buki said. “That is something I feel is essential for all college students.”

Another thing Buki has focused on is making sure that her students’ living situation is comfortable.

“From day one I have sought to make my hall an environment that my tenth floor Crosbians want to come back to,” Buki said.

Residential Assistants are expected to work the front desk six hours every week and be on hall duty six out of every seven days of the week.

“During our nights on duty we are expected to make sure that everything on our hall is operating correctly, whether mechanical or behavioral,” Buki said.

Residential assistants have a lot on their plate. Ole Miss students are thankful for all that they do to benefit their college life.

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