Friday, March 4, 2011

The Spring Break Hustle

Maria Martin

Jour 102 - Section 10


Spring Break Story

Spring Break to college students generally entails wearing as little clothing as possible, if any, consuming a large amount of alcohol, too many Facebook albums, and spending more money than their bank account allows.

Spring Break is no joke, and the students at the University of Mississippi take it very seriously. Girls are preparing their ‘base tans,’ by religiously attending the tanning beds in the weeks prior to the kickoff of Spring Break. They are also pre-ordering new bikinis and Spring Break attire.

Whether students go home, go abroad, or go to a beach, they are prepared to party and not afraid to go crazy. “Going to Destin, Florida with almost half the school and 12 of my sorority sisters just might be the week we’ll never remember, and I can’t wait!” said Daly Cantrell.

Spring Break comes at a price, especially if students wait until the last minute to plan their elaborate vacations. “We didn’t even make plans until the week before Spring Break. Airfare prices escalated, and we are now broke for the rest of the year. Who cares though?! It’s Spring Break 2011!” said Taylor Thompson.

With Oxford still not quite in the warmer temperatures, students have never anticipated Spring Break so highly. “We’re ready to fry our skin, have a good time with friends, and have no worries.” explained Daly Cantrell.

During and after Spring Break Facebook will be blowing up with scandalous pictures, comical videos, and wall posts regarding the students’ Spring break.

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