Friday, March 4, 2011

The Cost of Fun In The Sun: Spring Beak 2011

With the end of midterms and the rapid approach of spring break many students at The University of Mississippi have found themselves not only headed to the tanning beds or beer store but to the bank.

Students traveling for spring break, regardless of final destination students are taking notice to the absurd amounts of money their trips will cost them. But for the majority of students that are headed for Florida and their expenses not only includes cost of travel but spending money and a place to stay for the week.

“After it was all paid for, I noticed it really did put a big dent in my bank account. There will probably be nothing left after Mardi Gras this weekend.” Ole Miss Freshman David Packard of St. Louis, Missouri said.

But not all students are headed for the Florida Panhandle, others are vacationing with their family or just headed home for the week long vacation. Although these travels may not include the cost of spending money or housing they do however require money for gas and for even some a plane ticket. Those who are flying home are victims to the outrageous prices of booking a last minute flight.

“I was going to fly home for break but the flights cost way to much so I have to take a Greyhound bus back to Rhode Island.” University of Mississippi John Marshall said.

Clearly spring break is a major time of celebration for students at Ole Miss, but the cost of travel as well as other expenses could be putting a damper on the spring time fun.

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