Thursday, March 3, 2011

Spring Break 2011 Article

Wesley Sparkmon
March 3, 2011
Section 10
Spring Break

Many students at the University of Mississippi and other schools around the country are preparing for their spring break.

The middle of March is a joyous time for college students where they can drop their books, leave their educational worries and spend a week in frenzy before getting back to their studies. Dorms clear out and the hotels and condos on in Panama City Beach, Fla., Daytona, Fla. and Destin, Fla. fill up with college students for a week. In Oxford, Miss., the population halves as students leave the University of Mississippi and spend the week at different vacation spots across America.

Monica Woods, pharmacy major from Waterloo, Ala., will be celebrating her 21st birthday over spring break in Chicago.

“I intend to spend my spring break enjoying St. Patrick’s Day in Chicago,” Woods said. “I might enjoy a couple drinks for that entire week.”

Woods said that her and two other friends will be travelling together and staying friends’ houses all but one night through the entire week and have spent the first part of the semester saving up their money. She also said that the recent rise in gas prices have made them reconsider the plan to drive, but plane tickets at this point are too expensive.

The break is what many students look towards as the midway point in the spring semester and the last major point before the end of the year. After the break, students viewed themselves as renewed and refreshed through the end of the year and finals.

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