Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sigma Nu Charity Bowl

Jake Wamble

Jour 102

March 27, 2011

Sigma Nu Charity Bowl

The men of Sigma Nu presented this year’s charity bowl victim with a check of $80,000 dollars over the weekend.

The recipient, Kelly Garvin, was in a car accident that left her paralyzed from the waist down. Despite the odds, Kelly graduated high school on time and is now enrolled in online college courses.

“You have no idea how much this means to me,” said Garvin. “This is just such a blessing to me and my family.”

The event started in 1990 to honor Ole Miss football player Chucky Mullins, who was paralyzed in the previous year’s homecoming game. The Sigma Nu Charity Bowl is now the largest Greek philanthropy in the country. It has raised 1.1 million dollars for paralysis victims.

“This year’s game was a huge success,” said Philanthropy Chairman Caldwell Starnes. “Everyone really supported the event this year, and we were able to give one of largest donations in the history of Charity Bowl.”

The game has drawn many distinguished guests over the years. Christopher Reeve, Sen. Trent Lott, Patrick Willis, and the Mannings are just a few of the supporters of the philanthropy.

Charity Bowl seems to get bigger every year. It has helped many courageous men and women receive quality treatment, and it looks like it will continue to help for years to come.


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