Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Towers Grill

Corinne Vance

JOUR 102, Section 10


Sue Weakley

Towers Grill

When upcoming Ole Miss freshman begin deciding which of the dorms they would like to call home, Towers Grill, located between the lobbies of Martin and Stockard, has a big influence on their decision. The well-located Towers Grill, often called the “C Store,” is the perfect place to grab a sausage and biscuit on the way to an 8 o’clock class, a quick bite during a study break, or a late night snack when you get back from the square.

Kris Petrie, Ole Miss freshman and resident in Martin dorm, visits Towers Grill four to five times a week. Petrie says, “I always go to the C Store when I get back from going out at night. It’s so convenient and the pizza sticks are my favorite. I’ve never been for breakfast though.”

The C Store has been running for many years without any change or improvements, until this past Christmas break. During the break the store was re-modeled. These new renovations enlarged the store making it much easier to maneuver through during the night rush.

Before these changes were made only Stockard and Martin residents could gain entrance into Towers Grill because it required a residents ID card to enter the dorms lobbies. Other students can now enter through a door from the outside of the building. Although this is great for non-residents, it has become a hassle for people who actually live there.

Now residents must swipe their university ID to unlock the door that connects with the lobbies. This is to prevent people who aren’t residents of the dorms from entering the lobbies.

Petrie says she loves the new renovations to the C Store because there’s more space and it’s less crowded. Although Petrie enjoys the extra space she said, “I hate that you have to slide your ID to get out. It’s very inconvenient.”

Towers Grill employs roughly 30 people. Roxanne Lund has been working at Towers Grill for three years. Lund enjoys working the morning shift from 8 am till 2pm because it’s very quiet compared to working the night shift, from 7pm till 2am, when Towers Grill is the busiest.

Lund also likes the new improvements. Lund says, “There is a lot more room now. It’s easier to cook.” The new set up of the grill allows customers to watch their food being cooked. Before the changes the kitchen was in a separate room.

Towers Grill is a great asset to Martin and Stockard, allowing residents to have the closest thing to a home cooked meal in their dorms.

More information about the dorms and student housing can be found at,

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