Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hinge Dance Company presents 'Bittersweet'

Maria Martin

Jour 102 Section 10



The arts are a large contribution to the Oxford area, and are only becoming more involved. In the 2010-2011 year Oxford has seen a rapid increase in artists’ attempts to enhance the area’s knowledge of the arts.

Oxford has seen little of the dance world, and this dance company is hoping to change that. Hinge Dance Company, founded in 2011, is a small professional dance company in the city of Oxford. Hinge was co-founded by Lydia Siniard and Lindsay Fine. Both women attended the University of Mississippi.

Hinge has an upcoming Spring dance performance April 7-9 at the Powerhouse in Oxford. Siniard claims, “We are looking to show Oxford something it has yet to see, and something that will blow peoples’ minds.”

The performance is called ‘Bittersweet’ and will showcase dance pieces that fit the theme accordingly. “We have a talented group, and we are ready to show Oxford what we’re made of.” said Fine. The choreographers for the pieces consist of previous Hinge dancers, and current Hinge dancers.

Hinge Dance Company was previously owned by the Theatre department, and for the first time they are taking it off campus. Siniard has great faith in the show and the people involved in it. They have a large support system behind them hoping to keep the company going for the fall 2011 season.

The show starts at 7:30pm every night. Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 at the door. If you wish to have table service with hor d’oeuvres and a bottle of wine it is $30 for two people and $60 for four people. Along with the dance performance, there will be an art display and live music. The dress code is semi-casual and the performance will include a cash bar.

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