Friday, March 4, 2011

Florida is this season's hot spot

Laura Fraley

Journalism 102

March 4, 2011

Ole Miss students are headed for warmer weather during Spring Break, coming up on March 14-18th.

Florida beaches are a popular destination this season, and many students report that they have already started preparing for their vacation.

"I've been finishing up school work, and ordering bathing suits from JCrew online. I have been working out four days a week for thirty minutes a day, and I have been going to the tanning bed to get a base tan, so that I won't burn," Senior Sally Cook said.

Sally has rented a condo in Perdido Key, FL. with a group of her sorority sisters. "I can't wait to enjoy the beach and the sun on my last college Spring Break with my friends," Cook said.

Ole Miss Senior, Austin Cloud is also headed for Florida for Spring Break this year. "I am going to Destin to help my mom move into the new condo that she just bought," Cloud said. "I am sure I will meet up with a lot of my Ole Miss friends while I am there.

Cloud has been going to the Turner Center five days a week to get in shape for Spring Break. He has been lifting weights and running two miles a day.

Many Ole Miss students migrate towards Florida during the Spring Break season for the sunny weather and the convenient location.

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