Thursday, March 3, 2011

Spring Break Article

Court Burlingame

Susan Weakley

Journalism 102

March 3, 2011

Spreak Bring Craze Hits Oxford

With just days left until the mass exodus to sunny South Florida and various other vacation spots, Ole Miss students are finding it hard to think about anything other than spring break. A week from Saturday, residence halls will be closing, and the vast majority of the student population will be emptying the campus.

While plans may vary among different group, one constant can be found between everyone: no one can wait for next week to come. “I’ve been waiting since Christmas for spring break,” said freshman Taylor Parker. “If I didn’t have Mardi Gras this weekend, I don’t think I could make it.” This is the attitude shared by just about every student on campus. The thought of a week without school obligations and worries here on campus is appealing to just about anyone.

South Florida seems to be the number one destination for those seeking a party. “Destin! Destin! Destin!” screamed freshmen Caroline Cook and Erin Caballero. The Florida panhandle has always been a major gathering point for college students, and anyone who has attempted to find and open house or condo has been met with constant frustration due a lack of vacancies. “We’re packing about 27 guys into a house that sleeps 17. But we’re right on the beach, so no one will complain,” said freshman Sam Morgan.

The Turner Center has borne the vast waves of excitement for spring break. Looking to get into prime shape for the week on the beach, many students have hit the gym to get that perfect “spring break body.” Everyone’s biggest fear is to look flabby and pale from the cold winter we just went through. “I’m normally in the gym three or four times a week, and I’ve never seen this many people in here. It’s hard to get a good workout in, when the gym is packed with kids looking to get rid of their winter coat,” said freshman and gym enthusiastic McClain Forman.

Not everyone, however, is going down to a sunny beach for a week of drunken revelry and partying with scantily clad co-eds. Many students simply chose to return home for a week of rest and relaxation. According to senior business major Hunter Yancey, “I’m just going home to my own bed for a week. Everyone needs a break. I know I do. This week will be the perfect break for me before I set out to finish my final semester here in Oxford.” A week of home-cooked meals and naps in the comfort of your own bed would do wonders for any stressed out student.

Some students are worried that the weeklong hiatus will break their concentration on schoolwork. A week off of school mid-way through the semester can be potentially harmful to future work “I just got into a rhythm with school, and I’m a little worried that a everything will be lost,” said ROTC freshman Davis Coker. “I want to go party for a week, but I know that when I come back to Oxford, the will do any work is going to be killed.” Parents and teachers, no doubt, have the same concerns.

Spring break shouldn’t be a cause of worry. It’s a much needed break for all students and teachers who have been working hard this first half of the semester. Whether you’re going home going skiing, or going to the beach, spring break is supposed to be a week of fun times and relaxation. As long as you make it back to Oxford alive and ready to finish out the year, all will be good. Just remember: be safe, and we’ll see you back in Oxford on March 21.

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