Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Diversity: UM Foreign Exchange Students

Maria Martin

Jour 102

Final Multi-media project story

Students all over the world engage in foreign exchange programs to explore different countries and cultures. Here at the University of Mississippi, hundreds of foreign exchange students from all over the world are attracted to Oxford’s unique culture.

Being a foreign exchange student is far from easy. Going to a different country includes many challenges that young undergraduates must face.

Most students come to the United States prepared to speak the English language. “In China, I was considered a very good English speaker, but when I came to America I found that it is much harder to speak with Americans than I thought it would be. Being in America has improved the way I speak English however.” states female Chinese foreign exchange student, Xuan Zhu, 19.

Foreign exchange students are either housed in the on-campus residence halls, or in apartments around Oxford. A popular place for foreign exchange students to live off campus is Campus Walk.

Campus Walk houses the majority of the older foreign exchange students, so they can live together off campus and meet different students from all over the world. “Living in Campus Walk was a great experience because it allowed me to meet other foreign exchange students in which we had many things in common..coming to America!” claims male South African foreign exchange student, Ryan De Kock, 24.

The University of Mississippi offers foreign exchange programs for each semester. Most foreign exchange students will only do one semester, and spring is the more popular semester for the program. “I decided to come to America when they were in the warmer months of the year so I could escape the cold months of mine.” said male Australian foreign exchange student, Luke Tulloch, 22.

As a foreign exchange student airfare is provided by the University at the beginning and end of each semester. There are scholarships granted to certain students which covers full tuition, partial tuition, or full tuition with housing and meals.

“The biggest challenge for me at first was finding people that I had things in common with, but once I branched out and met people in my classes I made friends in no time.” Ryan De Kock, 24. “The biggest challenge I faced was finding all my classes! My roommate was very nice and walked me to all of them so I would not get lost.” Xuan Zhu, 19.

The exchange program allows the foreign exchange students to study English along with their other classes they choose to take. Foreign exchange students learn the American culture, along with the unique tradition at Ole Miss. “I have never been somewhere with so much spirit and so many people that are willing to help you at all times.” Luke Tulloch, 22.

The foreign exchange program keeps inviting more and more students back to Oxford for many semesters to come. The foreign exchange students that come here encourage American students to venture out of their comfort zone just as they did, in order to learn about different cultures and explore the world.


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